Σεμινάρια : Όλα

EN 1997 (EC 7): Geotechnical Design

Κωδικός: KEE-EC7
Τύπος: Engineers Instructor-Led Courses
Κατηγορία: Όλα, Πολιτική Μηχανική
The structural Eurocodes are a set of unified international codes of practice for designing buildings and civil engineering works, and will replace National Codes. They are linked de-facto with EU legislation e.g. the Construction Products Directive and Public Procurement Directives, and their adoption will provide opportunities and benefits to the profession. There are ten Eurocodes with a total of 58 parts covering Basis of Structural Design, actions, the main structural materials, and geotechnical and seismic design. The rules for geotechnical design are given in Eurocode 7 (Parts 1 & 2). In these parts necessary information is given for the calculation of the geotechnical actions on structures and of the geotechnical resistances (bearing capacity, earth pressure resistance, sliding resistance, etc.).

Ώρες: 18
Διάρκεια: 2 days
Χώρος Διεξαγωγής: EDITC & MMC Conference Center, Ίμβρου 16, 1055 Λευκωσία
Γλώσσα: Greek

  • Introduction to Eurocode system &
  • Basics of EN 1990 and EN 1997 (Parts 1 and 2)
  • Specific aspects of EC 7
  • Associated standards
  • Design of spread foundations
  • Design examples of spread foundations
  • Design of pile foundations
  • Design examples of pile foundations
  • Design of retaining structures
  • Design examples of retaining structures

Προφίλ Συμμετεχόντων

The candidates should be civil engineers and fulfill one of the following criteria:

  • Designers
  • Contractors
  • Resident/Site engineers
  • Employees of Technical Services Departments
  • Consultants

Σκοπός Κατάρτισης
The structural Eurocodes are a set of unified international codes of practice for designing buildings and civil engineering works, and will replace National Codes. They are linked de-facto with EU legislation e.g. the Construction Products Directive and Public Procurement Directives, and their adoption will provide opportunities and benefits to the profession. There are ten Eurocodes with a total of 58 parts covering Basis of Structural Design, actions, the main structural materials, and geotechnical and seismic design. The rules for geotechnical design are given in Eurocode 7 (Parts 1 & 2). In these parts necessary information is given for the calculation of the geotechnical actions on structures and of the geotechnical resistances (bearing capacity, earth pressure resistance, sliding resistance, etc.).

Στόχοι Κατάρτισης

Upon completion of the course the participants should:

  • Become familiar with the philosophy and provisions of Eurocode 7 part 1 and part 2
  • Become aware of the Cyprus National Annex for Eurocode 7 part 1 and the Nationally Determined Parameters
  • Be able to apply the provisions of the code to engineering problems


  • Lectures
  • Discussion
  • Design examples

Εξοπλισμός/ Εκπαιδευτικά μέσα
  • Lecture notes
  • White board
  • Computer with Video projector
  • Attendance book of the Human Resource Development Authority which is signed by the trainer and the trainees every session.


Αναλυτικό Ωρολόγιο Πρόγραμμα

Day 1
Session 1

Introduction to Eurocode system &
Basics of EN 1990 and EN 1997 (Parts 1 and 2)

Session 2
Specific aspects of EC 7
Associated standards

Session 3
Design of spread foundations

Session 4
Design examples of spread foundations

Day 2
Session 5

Design of pile foundations

Session 6
Design examples of pile foundations

Session 7
Design of retaining structures

Session 8
Design examples of retaining structures

Έυρεση σεμιναρίων


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